The Laws of Nature. Understanding the Known Unknows, bringing the Unknown Unknowns into LIGHT (Unpublished)
Submitted by Member 8877 on 28-Sep-2020Empower and Free yourself with the Laws of Nature, by understanding the Known Unknowns and by bringing the Unknown Unknowns into light, thus leaving the matrix of manipulation behind. From Knowledge comes Understanding. From Understanding comes Wisdom. From Wisdom comes Right and Moral Action and Creation. The Spirit of Truth informs your Soul to manifest unconditional Love for Life. Thus Spirit and Soul will Free your Mind and impart Vitality to your physical presence.
This is an offer of initiation to heal and reinstate unrestricted flow of life-energies and manifest the power within, by establishing a clear channel of spiritual truth (replacing a generically manipulated ego) that is necessary to re-energise your soul and physical presence as a warrior of light, as seen in this image, representing unrestricted creative energy of a being, synchronised by and in harmony with the only and ever-present law, the laws of nature.
Initiations will be specific to where each man or woman is presently at.
People, who live by known knowns only, most of which are manipulated half-truths or straight-out lies (mind-virus implants) that have conditioned their egos, often from an early age and thus able to vampirise soul energy via low level emotions, such as fear, false pride, shame or guilt, require a number of initiations of truths to put EGO once again in its place, as a tool of one's spirit (rather than subduing and controlling spiritual energy) and thus reinstate source energy, one's spirit of universal truth, as one's life-guide.
This then eliminates energy flow blockages and dead ends and forms the basis to seek to understand the known unknowns and to bring into light the unknown unknowns as spiritual truths are connected with ones' own soul experience and purpose - re-energizing the warrior of light within you, able to consciously observe the timeline (out of the 5th and higher Dimensions) and thus able to manifest your presence with purpose and directed moral actions for the benefit of All.
We could meet a place of power of your choice or at my place to explore and manifest required initiations.