Computer Workstation Assessment - with discomfort management advice (Unpublished)


Submitted by Member 29 on 13-Nov-2013

If your computer setup is giving you a pain... I can help! I can advise on seating, posture, desk height, desk layout, lighting, gear/accessories, stretches, relaxation methods (using EMG biofeedback), work techniques and more.  You might wonder why on earth you didn't do it sooner. Yes I do 'know my stuff' in the field, I was one of the writing team for the best practice 'Guidelines for Using Computers' as published by ACC and the then DoL (Now MBIE and WorkSafe) in 2010.  Time needed for the assessment varies - usually 1-2 hours if you are having discomfort and we need to cover the self-management strategies that will set you up for happy computer use for the future.
